Ireland: Kerry - Dublin - Cork - Waterford - Roscommon - Galway - Belfast
UK: London - Manchester - Newcastle - Cardiff - Liverpool

Hottentot-fig Stand
Native to South Africa. It is also known as ice plant, highway ice plant or pigface and in South Africa as the sour fig (suurvy; earlier: hotnotsvy), on account of its edible fruit. Hottentot-fig is a creeping, mat-forming succulent species and a member of the fig-marigold family Aizoaceae.
How To Identify Hottentot-fig?
Colour: Succulent green leaves with trailing dead leaves and stems
Leaves: In opposite pairs. Leaves are triangular in cross section. Some older leaves may appear reddish
Flower: Yellow or magenta solitary flower with a yellow centre. Only opens in sunlight generally in the afternoon

Hottentot-fig - Carpobrotus edulis ID Guide
Hottentot-fig Leaves
Hottentot-fig Flowers
Why Is Hottentot-fig A Problem?
Competes aggressively for space with native plant species. Can smother protected habitats such as dunes and vegetated coastal cliffs.
Hybrid species can lead to intensified invasions.
Can hinder the disturbance regime in dune habitats which are protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC.
Hottentot-fig - Invasive Species Information
What Is Hottentot-fig - (Carpobrotus edulis)?
Habitat: Terrestrial. Found mostly on coastal cliffs
Distribution in Ireland: Localised around the east and south coast of the country
Status: Established
Family name: Aizoaceae
Reproduction: Vegetative propagation by runners (rooting at nodes) also capable of reproducing from seed which ripens from July and September
European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 non-native invasive plant species A-Z (Updated 2017)
There are currently 35 invasive plant species listed in the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations (annex 2, Part 1)...
Click on a species from the following list to find out more regarding non-native species subject to restrictions under Regulations 49 and 50.
American Skunk-Cabbage - Lysichiton americanus
Red Alga - Grateloupia doryphora
Waterweeds - Elodea (all species)